Get to know who we are. Collaboration with banks

  • Our holistic strategic partnership with banks is based on profound knowledge of the domestic insurance market and is focused on delivering first-rate service that can fulfil our consumers’ banking and insurance needs.

    Reliability and reputation of financial institutions are the main criteria in selecting our partners in banking projects. We successfully collaborate with more than 100 Russian banks, including such major banks as:

    • Sberbank of Russia
    • Bank VTB
    • Svyaz-Bank
    • Rosbank
    • UniCredit Bank
    • Gazprombank
    • Banca Intesa
    • Bank Saint Petersburg
    • Bank Zenit
    • Ak Bars Bank

  • Together with the banks, we create uniquely customized insurance solutions and outstanding personalized service designed to protect the bank customers against
    • mortgage loan risk,
    • auto loan risks,
    • financed and leased property risks, and
    • other perils.
  • We offer a suite of coverages specific to the needs of financial institutions, including
    • coverage for offices, buildings, premises,
    • group accident and health solutions,
    • ATM, electronic equipment, etc.,
    • armored car and couriers vehicle insurance, and others.
  • Our insurance products and solutions help financial institutions avoid financial losses and provide them with reassurance knowing their business will continue to run safely, smoothly, and consistently for the benefit of their clients.

    Our strong capital base and good risk management capabilities coupled with specialist professional skills, experience and competencies of our team allow us to successfully compete in the insurance market, thus ensuring mutually beneficial cooperation with financial institutions and meeting the customers’ needs.

    In 2004 and 2005, ENERGOGARANT earned “Insurance coverage for bank officers and employees” and “Bank and bank customers property insurance” awards in the project “Bank’s rating of insurance companies” from the Business Review Journal. In 2012, ENERGOGARANT was honored with the prestigious award “Company of the Year”, category “Reputation and Trust”.

Updated: 06.07.2024
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