Our insurance policy for travelers travelling at home in Russia and overseas provides coverage for emergency medical expenses and medical evacuation costs in the event of injury following an accident or if You are ill.
The policy typically covers You for medically necessary treatment, diagnosis, outpatient, inpatient care services, medications, dressing material, medical appliances, emergency care services stemming from an accident, medical transportation and repatriation expenses.
We offer a variety of package plans that operate worldwide and provide financial protection against unexpected events while You are traveling. Our products are tailored towards adults, children, foreign nationals who are permanently or temporarily residing or staying in the Russian Federation and persons engaged in professional or amateur sports, including extreme sports and adventure activities.
Depending on the plan, our policies may include legal assistance abroad, baggage coverage, trip cancellation or curtailment coverage and personal accident insurance.
In the event of an occurrence the assistance service team will arrange for timely medical care and our medical advisors will stay in contact with You or the medical team caring for You and monitor the scope and quality of medical care and Your condition during Your inpatient hospital admission or outpatient care.
If you have any questions about insurance, please contact us