Civil liability of SRO members

We offer insurance packages that are tailored to protect interests of the members of self-regulating organizations (SRO) and reduce the risks associated with engineering surveying, preparation of design documentation, and construction activities. Our third party liability policy will protect SRO members against claims resulting from damages caused by defective workmanship affecting safety of capital construction projects.

What damages and costs can be insured?

  • bodily injury, death or property damages of individuals, property damages of legal entities, government or municipal bodies, injury or death of animals, plants, damages to environment, objects of cultural heritage (cultural and historical monuments) of the nations of the Russian Federation as a result or consequence of defective workmanship
  • losses incurred by owner of building/structure, concessioner, private partner or developer, i.e. amounts indemnifiable by owner, concessioner, private partner or developer for damages in accordance with Russian laws, and compensations payable in excess of recoverable damages pursuant to Article 60 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation

Additional necessary and reasonable expenses incurred with our prior written consent:

  • defence costs in the representation of a policyholder and defence of a claim made against a policyholder (this will not include attorney’s fees)
  • adjuster’s fees to establish the cause, surrounding circumstances and the amount in loss caused to the third parties

If you have any questions about insurance, please contact us

Updated: 04.07.2019
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