Civil liability of a business operating property

There are numerous risks that may arise from carrying out any activity.

According to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, any party that causes bodily injury, disease, illness or death of a third party, or any loss of or damage to property of a third party will bear legal liability and will be obliged to compensate for such damages in full.

Such compensation can be very costly and hit the business responsible for such damages.

The best way to protect business is to have the public liability in place.

Depending on the type of loss or damage claimed, you will be indemnified for:

1. In the event of a third party claim relating to bodily injury or death:

1.1. medical expenses;

1.2. burial expenses;

1.3. fatal accident compensation following the death of a breadwinner;

1.4. loss of earnings;

1.5. extra health care expenses.

2. In the event of a third party property damage claim:

2.1. cost of restoration;

2.2. if the property has been lost and its restoration is technically unfeasible, the basis upon which the amount of actual loss is to be calculated will be the actual cost of the property at the time of loss.

2.3. Insurance coverage can be extended to include:

2.3.1. loss minimization expenses;

2.3.2. costs for preliminary investigation of the facts and circumstances surrounding the loss, assessment of the amount of loss and ascertaining the extent of policyholder’s culpability; loss adjuster’s fees to establish the cause, surrounding circumstances and the amount in loss; defence costs; loss of income which a third party otherwise would have received in the course of normal activities.

If you have any questions about insurance, please contact us

Updated: 05.07.2019
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