Business Interruption insurance

What costs can be insured?

  1. Profit (revenue) earned by the Insured for goods sold and delivered and for services rendered in course of the business
  2. Continuing normal operating expenses defrayed by proceeds from the business carried on by the policyholder
  3. Rental income under the leases, tenancies or other similar agreements

Normal operating expenses include:

  • rental of premises and equipment;
  • taxes and charges that remain payable regardless of the turnover and business performance results including but not limited to taxes on property, land, capital or fixed assets, registration or license fees;
  • interests on loans or other funds raised;
  • ordinary payroll expenses;
  • mandatory social charges due and payable to extra-budgetary funds of the Russian Federation
  • depreciation

If you have any questions about insurance, please contact us

Updated: 05.07.2019
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